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Eden Primary School, Carrickfergus

STEM in P5

6th Mar 2024

The children in P5 enjoyed investigating how oil pollution could have a negative impact on the birds and aquatic life of the sea.  

They added oil to containers of water and watched how it did not mix but instead remained separate, sitting on the top of the water. 

A feather was then placed on the top of each container but it was immediately covered in oil!  It took the children a huge amount of effort (and a lot of scrubbing with a scrubber and Fairy Liquid!!) ) to remove the oil from the feather.  

The children were encouraged to consider what it would be like for birds if oil spillages occurred in the oceans and seas that they dive into for food.  Birds would not have the luxury of using a scrubber and Fairy Liquid to make things better!  Often, they would die as the result of oil pollution in our waters.  

 We all had plenty to think about in our lesson today!