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Eden Primary School, Carrickfergus

Glenn Irwin Rides into Eden P.S.

29th May 2024

On Wednesday 29th May we had 'Bikes and Butties' day for children and their relatives from P4-7.  Following the success of our Mother's Day event for P1-3 in March, which saw children inviting mothers and female relatives into school for tea and cake, we decided to do something for the males in our children's lives.  

We were able to invite Glenn Irwin, the most recent and successful winner of the Northwest 200, to our school. (It is also helpful when his Aunt Agnes is our school caretaker!)

This was a great morning with P4&5 having the first session and P6&7 the second session.  Glenn was asked a number of questions by the children in the classes, such as 'Do you have any routines before racing?'  To which Glenn replied that he used to listen to dance music to get him ready for a race but as he has got older he has changed to focusing on his breathing and keeping calm with stretching on his yoga mat.

Another question asked about any injuries he may have sustained through his racing career and the number of broken bones he mentioned were certainly something to make your cringe.

The children and their relatives were then able to get autographs, see the famous North West 200 trophy, enjoy the sunshine in the playground and look at some bikes which had been brought in by parents/grandparents and our very own Mr Purdy, whilst enjoying a bacon butty.

The fun continued into the classrooms where Mr Purdy had organised a quiz on Kahoot! on the North West 200.  The children and relatives/friends found their competitive nature and it was all to play for, as the leader boards kept changing depending on speed of answering as well as the correct answer.

Please enjoy having a look at the photos below, a little taste of the enjoyment experienced today, celebrating a local talent, as well as making memories with those special to our children.