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Eden Primary School, Carrickfergus

ARC21 Recycling Activities

1st Jun 2024

On Friday 31st May we welcomed Noel Lyons from ARC21 to P2-P7 (P1 were at the farm). 

P2 and P3 were given an interactive recycling talk and were then able to recycle newspapers.  They made pots and then were able to plant seeds into them to take home for their gardens.

P4 were able to make badges promoting recycling, after their recycling talk.

P5 were able to recycle paper and were able to make colourful death masks, linked with their topic of Egypt.

P6 took part in an interactive digital quiz using their handsets.  As well as having fun, the children were able to learn something about recycling facts.  First, second and third were able to get a recycled pen as a prize.

P7 created aeroplanes using 2 litre bottles, rinsed out and brought in from home.