Primary 1
Something exciting, something new,
Would you believe it, some desks are blue!
So many friends for us to greet,
So many new faces to see and meet!
I’m your teacher, Miss Reynolds and without doubt by a mile,
I look forward to getting a hug and a smile!
My helpers, Mrs McCallister and Mrs Beckinsale say,
Being your helpers makes their day!
The changes in colour in Autumn are bright,
As we play outdoors and make autumn delight!
In Winter the snow and Christmas are near,
And we perform our nativity and bring praise and good cheer!
In Spring we learn about the ‘People Who Help Us’ crew,
Who protect us and help us and keep us safe too!
In Summer we visit a special farm,
And hear all the farm sounds and show the farmer our charm!
Throughout the year the magic is done,
We learn to read, write and count, now this is fun!
In Eden we begin to explore our new powers,
And Miss Reynolds thinks we are all superstars!
Primary 1

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Eden Primary School, Larne Rd, Carrickfergus, BT38 7NL Phone: 028 9335 1958