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Eden Primary School, Carrickfergus


It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the Eden Primary School website. We in Eden Primary School are proud not only of the high academic standards and the excellent discipline within our school, but also of the quality provision for pastoral care which is offered to all our pupils. We strive to ensure all children realise their potential and develop their talents and abilities to the full.

The school aims to provide a broad and balanced curriculum, which reflects both society’s needs and the children’s interests and aspirations. Through curricular and extra-curricular activities our school promotes the intellectual, moral, social, spiritual, cultural and physical development of each child. Implicit in these activities is an emphasis on academic achievement and upon developing confidence, self-esteem and respect for others.

Staff, parents and pupils have developed excellent working relationships and together have created an extremely warm, friendly and secure learning environment. We believe that the collaborative and supportive ethos is pivotal to our success as a school.

Please take the opportunity to browse through the website and learn more about our school. If you would like to ask any questions and/or provide any feedback, or if you would like to visit the school and speak to me, you are most welcome to do so. Please contact us.


Latest News

19th Mar 2025
What a fabulous display from all my hockey girlies … 🌟.  Last...
19th Mar 2025
Today Beverley from Sustrans came in and taught the classes from P3-P7 about air...
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Ready Steady … Santa Run!πŸŽ…
Santa Run P5&6
Our very own β€˜Hattie’ πŸ¦”
Number Fun! 🀩
3-2-1 blast off!
Air pressure!
Spinning around!
Head, shoulders, knees and toes.
Macarena β˜€οΈ Fun!
It's Party Time! β˜€οΈ
P7 Final assembly parade!

Pupil of the week

For fabulous behaviour and lovely manners.
For fabulous behaviour and lovely manners.
For outstanding behaviour and listening throughout Year 3.
For outstanding behaviour and listening throughout Year 3.
For fantastic answering in class particularly during Numeracy lessons!
For fantastic answering in class particularly during Numeracy lessons!
For making great improvements in fraction work!
For making great improvements in fraction work!
For working so conscientiously and for excellent behaviour.
For working so conscientiously and for excellent behaviour.
For having an excellent attitude in all sessions this week!
For having an excellent attitude in all sessions this week!
For his great general knowledge and contribution to technology.
For his great general knowledge and contribution to technology.
For excellent presentation in every aspect of her work!
For excellent presentation in every aspect of her work!
For lovely reading and handwriting.
For lovely reading and handwriting.
For showing great progress in Fractions in class.
For showing great progress in Fractions in class.
For an improvement in his attitude and behaviour towards others.
For an improvement in his attitude and behaviour towards others.
For writing an excellent story and presenting it beautifully.
For writing an excellent story and presenting it beautifully.
For her fabulous work on her Book Review for World Book Day!
For her fabulous work on her Book Review for World Book Day!
For working hard to learn his Wizard of Oz words.
For working hard to learn his Wizard of Oz words.
For all of her beautiful saying and contributions to class discussion.
For all of her beautiful saying and contributions to class discussion.
For her consistency and effort with her reading.
For her consistency and effort with her reading.
For excellent illustrations on World Book Day using 'Draw with Rob!'
For excellent illustrations on World Book Day using 'Draw with Rob!'
For fabulous behaviour and lovely manners.
For fabulous behaviour and lovely manners.
For drawing great pictures of 'People Who Help Us'.
For drawing great pictures of 'People Who Help Us'.
For the hard work he is putting in to learning his Wizard of Oz lines.
For the hard work he is putting in to learning his Wizard of Oz lines.
For all her hard work during rehearsals, as the 'Wicked Witch'.
For all her hard work during rehearsals, as the 'Wicked Witch'.
For huge improvements in the presentation of his written work.
For huge improvements in the presentation of his written work.
For his fantastic work with spellings!
For his fantastic work with spellings!
For beautiful handwriting and excellent focus this week.
For beautiful handwriting and excellent focus this week.
For a great improvement in handwriting.
For a great improvement in handwriting.
For some amazing drawings of People Who Help Us.
For some amazing drawings of People Who Help Us.
For being a very kind friend in the playground.
For being a very kind friend in the playground.
For quick and accurate Literacy work, finding evidence to support opinions.
For quick and accurate Literacy work, finding evidence to support opinions.
For great focus and engagement with lessons.
For great focus and engagement with lessons.
For brilliant answering and participation in class.
For brilliant answering and participation in class.
For her great attitude to learning.
For her great attitude to learning.
For making an excellent improvement in his handwriting.
For making an excellent improvement in his handwriting.
For fabulous behaviour and always trying her best.
For fabulous behaviour and always trying her best.

Latest Photographs

For writing an excellent story and presenting it beautifully.
For writing an excellent story and presenting it beautifully.
For his great general knowledge and contribution to technology.
For his great general knowledge and contribution to technology.
For outstanding behaviour and listening throughout Year 3.
For outstanding behaviour and listening throughout Year 3.
For having an excellent attitude in all sessions this week!
For having an excellent attitude in all sessions this week!
For showing great progress in Fractions in class.
For showing great progress in Fractions in class.
For an improvement in his attitude and behaviour towards others.
For an improvement in his attitude and behaviour towards others.
For fantastic answering in class particularly during Numeracy lessons!
For fantastic answering in class particularly during Numeracy lessons!
For fabulous behaviour and lovely manners.
For fabulous behaviour and lovely manners.
For excellent presentation in every aspect of her work!
For excellent presentation in every aspect of her work!
For making great improvements in fraction work!
For making great improvements in fraction work!
For lovely reading and handwriting.
For lovely reading and handwriting.
For working so conscientiously and for excellent behaviour.
For working so conscientiously and for excellent behaviour.

Upcoming Events...

Thursday, 27th March 2025
P7 swimming ends
Thursday, 3rd April 2025
P5 swimming starts
Friday, 4th April 2025
Afterschool Clubs finish for this term